Sunday, September 13, 2009

being and doing our best

To me, we must work hard to be the best we can be in order to do our best. I stress importance on good communication, healthy relationships, eating well, staying healthy, living a spiritual life, and practicing generosity, openness, patience, compassion, kindness, and gratitude. Studying your roots, faith, and beliefs, as well as learning about your community, bioregion, state, current affairs, and history can keep you connected to the world and your place in it.

Develop closer relationships with family, friends, and other folks in your life. Care for one another and support each other. Let's help each other develop into the best we can be. Let's nurture good hearts, share goodwill, and conduct good works. Keep the faith. Have courage. When the going gets tough, make a way out of no way. Act on your sense of fairness, justice, and the greater good. Help others do the same. Find some balance in your life. Remember "I am because we are." We are all connected. We cannot be ourselves without community, our health, and our beliefs. We are caught up in the well being of others. Life is abundant. Share the abundance. Be a good steward.

To me, these acts strengthen the mind, heart, body, and spirit, nurturing balance and resilience, and strengthening your foundation to be and do your best.

1 comment:

Janis Foster Richardson said...

I struggle with the same questions and am good at telling myself that I'm not doing enough. But when I am beng more kind to myself, I give myself credit for continuing to ask those questions and continuing to check in on what I'm doing to stretch myself in the direction of being and doing my best. It feels like that's what you're doing with post. It also feels like many people rarely get into that reflective space where those questions are real. So here is my reminder to you of how special you are for asking!