Saturday, February 11, 2006

Report on Successful Community Development

"As anyone who has observed a successful community development initiative knows, it is not a solo act," emphasizes a new report from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. In addition to pointing to the importance of collaboration, the report identifies several other elements of a good community development process. It notes that a good process:
1) requires advocacy;
2) meaningfully engages residents and links participatory processes together;
3) is supported by many;
4) is not imposed on people;
5) addresses underlying issues such as race, class, culture, and power; and
6) anticipates conflict and works to identify common ground.
The Community Development report suggests resources to improve community skills in each of these areas.

1 comment:

John Liotti said...

The report you cite is an excellant resource. Mary Nelson from Bethel New Life was part of the research piece. Good stuff - thanks for the resourece!